The Marion County Sheriff’s Office is investigating an injury accident during the Monster...
The Accident Investigation Unit is currently investigating a fatal crash that occurred in southeast...
The Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating a fatal wrong-way collision involving three vehicles...
A collision involving three vehicles occurred on I-75 southbound at approximately 6:23 a.m. on...
The Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) conducted a review of fatal crashes on state roadways over...
At approximately 6:34 p.m. on January 30, 2024, a cyclist was attempting to cross Morse Road...
The Logan County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a collision that occurred on January 25,...
Rickie Bilger, 71, of Loudonville, was killed in a two-vehicle crash involving a church bus and...
The Summit Metro Crash Response Team is investigating a crash that occurred at approximately 8:46...
Being a passenger in a car accident can leave you feeling powerless and vulnerable. Even if you did...
When a crash is your fault, you expect consequences. Fines, insurance hikes, a damaged driving...
Have you been injured in a car accident? If so, who pays for your medical bills? This is an...